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Breast Reconstruction Surgery in Turkey

In today’s medical landscape, Breast Reconstruction surgery  has evolved significantly. It can now be seamlessly integrated with mastectomy procedures, often under the same anesthetic, offering patients the opportunity to regain a natural-looking breast mound using their living tissue or safe implant placement.
This innovative approach not only addresses the physical aspect but also the emotional well-being of individuals who have undergone mastectomy.

What is a Breast Reconstruction?

Breast Reconstruction surgery is a surgical procedure aimed at recreating breasts following a mastectomy or lumpectomy.
The process may involve multiple surgeries and encompasses various techniques.
Two primary methods include:
  1. Implant-Based Reconstruction
  2. Flap Reconstruction


Breast reconstruction can be performed either immediately after breast cancer surgery (immediate reconstruction) or delayed to a later time, which could be months or even years after the initial procedure (delayed reconstruction).
Depending on individual circumstances, the reconstruction process may entail multiple surgeries conducted over several stages.

Understanding Recovery Timelines 

A common inquiry among individuals considering Breast Reconstruction surgery in Turkey revolves around the recovery timeline.
Typically, the surgical procedure itself spans approximately 2-3 hours, with patients receiving post-operative care and monitoring during an overnight hospital stay.
To prevent fluid accumulation, small tube-shaped drains may be strategically placed during surgery to prevent fluid accumulation, and they are typically removed within one week after the procedure.

Guidelines for Postoperative Care 

Following your Breast Reconstruction surgery , you will receive comprehensive postoperative instructions from a skilled and experienced surgeon.
These instructions are designed to facilitate a smooth and comfortable recovery process.
Key elements of these instructions typically include:
  • Special Bandage and Supportive Bra: Your breasts will be thoughtfully wrapped with a specialized bandage, and you will be provided with a supportive bra designed for postoperative use. Wearing this bra for a few weeks after surgery helps protect and provide essential support to the healing breast tissue.
  • Prioritizing Rest and Avoiding Sudden Movements: Especially during the first two days following surgery, it is crucial to prioritize rest and avoid sudden, jarring movements that could disrupt the delicate healing process. Gentle care during this initial period is essential for a successful recovery.
  • Gradual Resumption of Activities: In the first-week post-surgery, it’s advisable to refrain from engaging in heavy physical activities and sudden movements that may strain the healing tissues. Avoiding overexertion is essential to ensure a safe and comfortable recovery.
  • Sports and Sports Bra: During the initial month following surgery, it’s recommended to abstain from strenuous sports activities. When you plan to resume sports, wearing a sports bra is essential to provide the necessary support and comfort during physical exertion.


Breast Reconstruction Surgery Techniques
When it comes to Breast Reconstruction surgery, there are two primary types to consider after mastectomies: Flap Reconstruction and Breast Reconstruction with implants.

Flap Reconstruction

Flap reconstruction involves utilizing tissue from your own body, known as autologous tissue, to create a new breast.
Typically, this tissue is harvested from various areas, including the lower abdomen (belly), thigh, back, or buttocks.
In Flap Reconstruction, your surgeon may remove fat, skin, blood vessels, and muscle from these donor areas to shape the new breast.
This tissue is referred to as a “flap.”
There are different techniques within flap reconstruction, each with its unique characteristics:
  • DIEP Flap: This method involves taking skin, fat, and blood vessels from the lower belly without removing the underlying abdominal muscle.
  • TRAM flap: Here, skin, fat, blood vessels, and muscle are removed from the lower belly to form the new breast.
  • Latissimus Dorsi (LD) Flap: Tissue and muscle are extracted from the back, and the LD flap, still connected to its blood supply, is transplanted to the breast area.
  • IGAP Flap: Tissue for this procedure is sourced from the buttocks, excluding the use of muscle.
  • SGAP Flap: Similar to the IGAP flap, tissue is taken from the buttocks, utilizing a different set of blood vessels.
  • PAP Flap: This technique involves removing tissue from the inner and back of the thigh to create a breast, without transplanting thigh muscle.
  • TUG Flap: Like the PAP flap, this method uses thigh tissue but includes the transplantation of muscle.
  • SIEA Flap (or SIEP flap): This approach is akin to the DIEP flap but employs different blood vessels. It is less common due to the specific blood vessel requirements.


Implant-Based Breast Reconstruction 
When considering Breast Reconstruction, Breast Reconstruction with implants is one of the available options. Surgeons employ either saline or silicone implants to recreate breast tissue.
In some cases, a combination of implants and tissue from the patient’s body may be utilized to achieve the desired outcome.
Implant Reconstruction Types
  • Under the Chest Muscle: In this approach, your surgeon elevates the chest muscle and positions the implant beneath it. This method offers certain advantages and is commonly chosen by patients.
  • Above the Chest Muscle: Alternatively, the surgeon may place the implant on top of the chest muscle. This technique often results in a shorter recovery period, as the chest muscle remains in its original position.
  • Implant with Tissue Expander: Another option involves using a tissue expander. Your surgeon places this expander beneath your skin, and over time, you or your healthcare provider will gradually fill it with saline. This gradual filling causes your skin to expand and stretch. Once your skin has expanded sufficiently to cover the implant, your surgeon will proceed to place the implant.


Benefits of Breast Reconstruction 
  • Boosting Self-Confidence: After undergoing a mastectomy or lumpectomy, many individuals experience a loss of self-confidence due to changes in their physical appearance. Breast reconstruction surgery aims to restore the natural contour and appearance of the breasts, helping patients regain their confidence and self-esteem. With reconstructed breasts, individuals often feel more comfortable and at ease with how their clothes fit and may even find it easier to wear a swimsuit, further enhancing their self-image.
  • Personalized Choices: It’s important to note that not everyone chooses Breast Reconstruction after a mastectomy. Some individuals opt for breast forms (prostheses) placed within a specialized bra for a natural look and feel. Others may choose to embrace a “go flat” approach, forgoing prosthetic breasts altogether. The decision regarding breast reconstruction is deeply personal, and individuals should choose the path that aligns with their unique preferences and comfort.


Recovering After Breast Reconstruction Surgery in Turkey

  • The recovery process following Breast Reconstruction surgery can vary depending on several factors, including the type of reconstruction performed and the patient’s overall health. Patients who have undergone autologous reconstruction may require a hospital stay of a few days to monitor their progress closely.
  • In the initial days following surgery, patients may experience discomfort, swelling, and bruising. To manage these symptoms effectively, plastic surgeons typically prescribe pain medication. Additionally, patients may be advised to wear a compression garment to reduce swelling and provide support to the reconstructed breast.
  • During the recovery period, it’s crucial to avoid strenuous activities and lifting heavy objects for several weeks. Patients should also refrain from driving until they are no longer reliant on pain medication.