Does smoking cause hair loss? This issue has generated a lot of discussion among experts, smokers, and people who are experiencing hair loss. Some claim there is no link between smoking and hair loss, however, there is a wealth of evidence and numerous case studies to refute this.

We’ll explore and respond to the frequently asked issue, “How does smoking cause hair loss?” in this post. in addition to “Why does smoking cause hair loss?” We’ll also discuss potential treatments for smoking-related hair loss.

What Effect Does Smoking Have On Your Hair?

Smoking’s negative consequences extend beyond lung cancer and respiratory ailments; smoking can also have a variety of negative effects on hair health. Smoking has a variety of effects on the hair follicles, and these effects might eventually result in hair loss. Here is the explanation for how smoking reduces hair growth if you’ve ever wondered.

First off, smoking impairs blood flow to the hair follicles and promotes oxidative stress. Hair loss may start when stress levels increase because oxidative stress is sensitive to hair follicle cells. Additionally, the blood arteries that carry oxygen and nutrients to the hair follicles are constricted by the harmful compounds found in nicotine and cigarettes. Hair damage or hair loss is quite likely when this blood flow is impeded.

Second, the nicotine in tobacco and cigarettes results in receptor desensitization and microinflammation of hair follicles. This finally destroys hair follicles.

Third, smoking can seriously impair your immune system. This could result in diseases that cause hair loss and raise the possibility of bacterial or fungal infections on your scalp. Bacterial infections and cases of hair loss are typically exceedingly difficult to treat.

Smoking can also cause androgenetic alopecia, which manifests as early-onset grey hair, and early-onset baldness. In conclusion, why does smoking result in hair thinning? It’s because tobacco and cigarettes contain harmful chemicals and nicotine.

How Often Can Smoking Cause Hair Loss?

There is no exact figure given here. However, research has revealed that compared to non-smokers, smokers virtually invariably have more severe cases of male pattern baldness. In one study, conducted by Mosley and Gibbs in the UK, they studied two identical male twins, one of whom smoked heavily and the other who did not. When compared to the other twin, who had healthy hair, it was found that smoking made the twin who was addicted to cigarettes bald and lost hair.

Another important study found that heavy smokers who smoked at least 10 cigarettes daily had a higher risk of developing severe alopecia. This study was conducted in Italy by Fortes et al.

Based on this, it is safe to say that all smokers will probably have hair loss, although the severity of your disease will depend on how intensely you smoke.

Can I Grow My Hair Back After Quitting Smoking?

Your body will begin to recover itself after you stop smoking. For example, the harm to your lungs progressively heals. On the other hand, there is no scientific evidence that stopping smoking can stop hair loss.

The same cannot be true for those who develop male pattern baldness, even though smokers with thinning hair will undoubtedly regrow healthy hair after stopping. The lost hair follicles won’t grow back; at most, the hair will regrow full, thick, and oily. To regenerate the lost hair, specific therapies must be used.

How Can I Get My Hair Back After Smoking?

Completely Stop Smoking

First, you must stop smoking altogether. If you stop for a brief period (say, six months to a year), you won’t ever notice any major hair recovery or repair. Your hair will only come back to life and your hair growth cycle will be restored if you can “stay clean” for at least five years or more.

Additionally, the majority of smokers who give up cigarettes switch to vaping. This is not recommended because nicotine, which is unhealthy for the human immune system and hair, is also included in vape juice. Patients should abstain from nicotine entirely, even though there is no evidence to support the claim that vaping can promote androgenetic alopecia. To lessen your cravings and overcome the addiction, you can try several prescription medications or therapies.

Use medicine for hair regrowth

Applying hair-regrowth chemicals can significantly increase regrowth. Minoxidil is an excellent illustration of such a drug. However, it’s best to first visit a doctor before taking any prescription, and then take it exactly as prescribed. Keep in mind that not everyone responds well to minoxidil or hair supplements.

Get a hair transplant

The best and most effective approach to regrow hair that has been lost due to cigarette smoking is in this way. When you stop smoking for an extended period, you ought to see a gradual reversal of the hair loss symptoms (such as thinning hair). You’ll eventually have thick, healthy hair that is suitable for a hair transplant in Turkey. To cover up the bald spots on your head at this point, hair transplant surgery is the finest option.

But keep in mind that scalps are particularly vulnerable to oxidative stress. As a result, you shouldn’t smoke or even use a vape after having hair transplant surgery because doing so would prevent the freshly transplanted follicles from growing, which will negate the entire hair transplant procedure.