Millions of individuals throughout the world struggle with hair loss, which is a widespread issue. Genetics, hormone dysregulation, and nutritional inadequacies are just a few of the causes. While there are several ways to cure hair loss, mesotherapy for hair loss has become a popular option in recent years due to its effectiveness.

To promote hair growth, it entails injecting a nutrient-rich fluid into the scalp. This procedure is successful in increasing hair growth, decreasing hair loss, and enhancing hair quality in general. The use of mesotherapy to treat hair loss will be thoroughly discussed in this article.

Understanding Mesotherapy Treatment

Mesotherapy is a non-surgical procedure that involves giving the scalp tiny injections of a nutrient-rich fluid. The mixture of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and other elements present in the solution is necessary for hair development. These nutrients aid in boosting blood flow to the scalp and stimulating hair follicles, both of which encourage hair growth.

How Does Mesotherapy Work To Treat Hair Loss?

A specialized needle is used to inject a nutrient-rich fluid into the scalp during mesotherapy for hair loss. The middle layer of the skin, known as the mesoderm, is where the solution is injected. Anesthesia is not used during the injection process, which is comparatively painless. Usually, the procedure takes 30 minutes to complete.

The nutrients in the solution aid to increase blood flow to the scalp, which supplies the nutrients necessary for the growth of the hair follicles. The procedure also increases the production of collagen and elastin, strengthening the hair follicles and reducing hair loss.

Advantages Of Mesotherapy Treatment 

  • Grows hair more quickly
  • Minimizes hair loss
  • Increases hair volume and thickness
  • Benefits the scalp
  • Stimulates the formation of collagen and elastin
  • Secure and unobtrusive
  • Little downtime

Who Is An Appropriate Candidate For Mesotherapy?

Men and women who are having hair loss or thinning hair can benefit from mesotherapy. It’s crucial to remember that mesotherapy might not be successful for persons who are completely bald or have been bald for a very long period.

What To Expect During A Treatment With Mesotherapy?

The hair and scalp will be washed and prepared before the treatment. To lessen any discomfort experienced during the procedure, a numbing cream may also be given to the scalp. A specialized needle will then be used to inject the fluid into the scalp. The scalp may be a little sensitive and red after the procedure, but this normally goes away within a few hours.

How Often Should One Get Mesotherapy?

The needs of the patient and the degree of hair loss determine how frequently mesotherapy treatments are administered. The majority of patients need an initial round of treatments spaced 2-4 weeks apart. To sustain the effects after the initial treatment, maintenance sessions may be needed every 3 to 6 months.

Mesotherapy Alternatives

One of the various hair loss treatments available is mesotherapy. Other well-known therapies comprise:

Topical treatments: To encourage hair growth, lotions or serums are administered to the scalp. Finasteride and minoxidil are two examples.

Hair follicles are moved from one area of the scalp to another during a surgical operation known as a hair transplant.

Laser Therapy: laser light is used during laser therapy to promote hair growth.

Mesotherapy for hair is non-invasive, has little recovery time, and may be used to treat a variety of hair loss disorders, in contrast to these therapies. Mesotherapy can also be applied in conjunction with other therapies to boost its efficacy.


Mesotherapy is a safe, non-invasive procedure that can be used to enhance the general health of hair, encourage hair growth, and slow or stop hair loss.

Mesotherapy is a successful treatment for many different types of hair loss, while it may not be appropriate for everyone. See a skilled medical hair transplant doctor in Turkey if you are having hair loss or thinning hair to find out if mesotherapy is correct for you.